
  1. I enjoy bushwalks and movies with my family, reading, and catching up with friends over a cuppa.
  2. My husband has been, and is, one of the greatest blessings in my life, in every way.
  3. We have two daughters, who are exuberantly loved!
  4. Both of our daughters are Autistic. It’s part of who they are, and we celebrate who they are.
  5. The first year after diagnosis was both rough, and a relief. The relief was learning more about how the girls experienced the world, and how we could better support them. The rough part was trying to find out what supports were available, whether or not we were eligible for them, then decimating forests singlehandedly as we prepared the relevant applications. Sadly, our experience was far from unique, and that is the reason I started this blog- to put together, in one place, the information and resources I wish we’d been given at time of diagnosis. Many of the supports listed are local to us (Brisbane/Queensland/Australia)- but the geographic region is noted alongside the resource.
  6. In my continuing quest to learn more about autism, I have found many informative and insightful articles, which I link to- including several by Autistic adults, which I highly recommend reading!
  7. I use pseudonyms on my blog to protect my family’s privacy.  My older daughter is referred to as Hannah, and my younger daughter as Abi.
  8. If you’d like to contact me, leave a message on any post with your intro/question and a contact email address. I moderate comments, and won’t publish your personal details.

I hope you find some useful information, and much encouragement here!

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